Opa-cize is choreographed very simply so you can pick up the moves easily and enjoy dancing with us - we have chosen music we all know and love - OPAcize isn't based soley on "kefi" but the Kefi is definitely there and you will have so much fun that time will just fly by, you wont realise you are working out! We have added hardcore fitness moves into all our choreo's/routines so not only will you party hard and enjoy the dance, but you will work hard, tone up and burn lots of calories.... you will be left feeling alive and happy & healthy fit.
Wear comfortable workout wear as OPA-cize is about sweating and working out & being free and comfortable - bring a towel and bottle of water.
Look for a class near you at OPA-cize.com or sign up to become a licensed instructor to teach our program in your country/area - it's simple and loads of fun!!
see you all soon on the dance floor ...... OPA!!!
Wear comfortable workout wear as OPA-cize is about sweating and working out & being free and comfortable - bring a towel and bottle of water.
Look for a class near you at OPA-cize.com or sign up to become a licensed instructor to teach our program in your country/area - it's simple and loads of fun!!
see you all soon on the dance floor ...... OPA!!!